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Payday Loan Consolidation: What Are My Best Options?
Richard Barrington

July 25, 2024

Payday loans and cash advances are very expensive. Payday loan consolidation can give you a lower interest rate and more time to repay your debt.

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Is An Authorized User Responsible For Debt?
Richard Barrington

July 25, 2024

Authorized users can use an account with the responsibility to pay. Read this to find out how it works.

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Credit card counseling pros and cons
Erik J. Martin

July 25, 2024

Credit card counseling agencies can help you learn how to manage your credit and debts. Find out more here.

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What Is the Lowest Credit Score?
Peter Warden

July 25, 2024

While very rare, the lowest possible credit score is 300. However, any credit score under 500 is low and under 580 is sub-prime. A low credit score can…

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How Does Debt Settlement Work?
Noelle Marr

July 25, 2024

Debt settlement could substantially reduce the amount of debt you owe, but how does it work? Learn about Freedom Debt Relief’s 4-step process.

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What Is Credit Counseling?
Rebecca Lake

July 25, 2024

What is credit counseling? How credit counseling works. What it’s like to go through credit counseling.

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Debt Settlement Pros and Cons
Gideon Sandford

July 25, 2024

What are debt settlement pros and cons? Before signing up for a debt settlement program, learn about the benefits and pitfalls including...

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How to Write a Debt Settlement Letter
Rebecca Lake

July 25, 2024

A well-written debt settlement letter is crucial to the debt negotiating process. You should outline the details of the debt-settlement offer and the terms...

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How to use hardship programs to temporarily suspend credit card payments
Richard Barrington

July 18, 2024

Credit card hardship programs might help you catch up on debt payments. Here’s how they work

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Pros and Cons of Debt Consolidation
Peter Warden

July 18, 2024

Learn the pros and cons of debt consolidation

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How to Open a Bank Account That No Creditor Can Touch
Peter Warden

July 18, 2024

There are four tactics for protecting deposits from creditors.

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Scam? The Tax Debt Compromise Program Phone Call
Erik J. Martin

July 18, 2024

Is the tax debt compromise program phone call a scam? here's how to tell.

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How to Get a Debt Consolidation Loan With Bad Credit
Rebecca Lake

July 18, 2024

How to consolidate debt if you have bad credit. Bad credit debt consolidation loans can help you lower your payments and your interest rate.

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What Is a Government Debt Relief Program?
Rebecca Lake

July 18, 2024

Government debt relief programs exist for student debt, tax debt, and certain mortgage debt. However, there is no government credit card debt program, so...

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How to Stop Debt Collection Calls

If your debt has gone to collections, debt collection calls can be intrusive and stressful. Learn your rights and how to stop debt collector calls.

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How Long Does Debt Relief Take?
Richard Barrington

July 15, 2024

All debt relief takes time, but debt settlement generally gets your credit back on track faster than bankruptcy. Learn more here.

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Debt settlement companies: What they are and how to find one
John Russo

July 8, 2024

Before signing up for a debt settlement company, learn about the risks and benefits of debt settlement by asking the company these 4 questions.

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What is Predatory Lending?
Charla Myers

June 27, 2024

What is predatory lending? There's no official definition, but predatory lenders take advantage of borrowers with excessive rates and little transparency.

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How Do I Talk to Someone I Want to Help Get Out of Debt?
Charla Myers

June 27, 2024

Is there someone close to you that you want to help get out of debt? Be patient, be empathetic, and try these 7 talking points.

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How to deal with debt collectors: 9 practical tips to stay calm and take control
John Russo

June 27, 2024

Fielding debt collection calls can be very stressful. Learn how to deal with debt collectors and manage that stress better.

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Debt Management Program: What it is and How to Find One
Charla Myers

June 27, 2024

If you're struggling with your debts, one option is to enroll in a debt management program, which may help you with a debt strategy and get better rates.

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7 Steps to Prepare For the Debt Settlement Process
Richard Barrington

June 24, 2024

Know your budget, know your goals, be ready to engage with your creditors. Learn more about getting ready for debt settlement.

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How to avoid common pitfalls in debt settlement
Richard Barrington

June 24, 2024

Learn how to avoid pitfalls and get your finances back on track with debt settlement.

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Defensive Strategies in Court for Credit Card Debt Lawsuits
Richard Barrington

June 19, 2024

Being sued for unpaid credit card debt requires some tough choices. Here are 7 options to consider.

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How Much Debt Can Be Forgiven With Debt Settlement?
Kimberly Rotter

June 19, 2024

Got too much debt? Here’s how debt settlement might help.

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Hardship Loans for Bad Credit
Erik J. Martin

June 19, 2024

Hardships are never easy to experience, but you may be able to weather the storm with these options.

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Authorized Users Are Not on the Hook for Unpaid Credit Card Debt
Peter Warden

June 19, 2024

Authorized users aren’t on the hook if the account holder dies or defaults. Don’t fall for debt collectors’ scare tactics.

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What’s it Like to Go Through Debt Relief?
Richard Barrington

June 18, 2024

Debt relief is an emotional journey with highs and lows, but can be ultimately very rewarding

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Is a Debt Relief Program a Good Idea for You?
Peter Warden

June 18, 2024

Is a debt relief program your best choice? Find out the pros and cons of each option so you can pick the path that’s right for you.

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Is Debt Settlement Worth It?
Richard Barrington

June 17, 2024

Debt settlement has both costs and benefits. We'll walk you through the strategy that could eliminate some of your debt.

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The psychological benefits of settling your debts 
Aaron Crowe

June 17, 2024

Need another reason to get rid of debt other than getting your financial life in order? You could feel better emotionally.

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How to Tell the Difference Between Good Debt and Bad Debt
John Russo

June 14, 2024

What is good debt vs bad debt? Learn about how good debt can help you and improve your credit and how to conquer bad debt that could be holding you back.

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How Much Credit Card Debt Is Too Much?
Erik J. Martin

June 14, 2024

Learn the signs that you’re carrying too much credit card debt. How to get out of credit card debt.

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Debt Relief Options
Erik J. Martin

June 14, 2024

Debt relief options like debt settlement, debt management and bankruptcy can help you get rid of debt that you can’t afford.

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Debt – Is It a Dating Deal Breaker?
Tammi Huang

June 14, 2024

Dating someone with debt might seem like deal-breaker, but it doesn’t have to be. Here…

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Understanding Bankruptcy and Debt
Anna Baluch

June 14, 2024

The coronavirus has led to more people filing for bankruptcy, but that isn't always the…

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Is a Credit Card Secured or Unsecured Debt?
Miranda Marquit

June 14, 2024

Sometimes it’s a good financial move to plunk down your own cash for a secured credit card (you’ll get your money back). Our expert explains.

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3 Reasons People Stay In Debt
Tammi Huang

June 14, 2024

People get into debt for many reasons. But sometimes, they stay in debt because they…

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5 Ways to Get Rid of Debt Stress
Thilini Wijesinhe

June 14, 2024

Debt stress can affect your health and well-being. Learn about 5 proven ways to get rid of debt stress and take control of your finances.

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3 Ways to Pay Off Holiday Credit Card Debt Fast
Housten Donham

June 14, 2024

It’s easy to find yourself swamped by debt, especially after the holidays. If you’re wondering…

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The Credit Card Sign Up Bonus: Too Good to Be True?
Sara Korn

June 14, 2024

Free money, or a way to lure you deeper into debt? Here is what you…

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5 Strategies to Help Manage Small Business Debt
Anna Baluch

June 14, 2024

In tough times, you will need to work even harder to manage your small business…

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Tips to Defend Yourself Against Zombie Debt
John Russo

June 14, 2024

Knowing whether your old debt has truly expired can be tricky. Read these tips for…

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What is Zero-Based Budgeting?
John Russo

June 14, 2024

What is zero-based budgeting? It's a smart way to track your income and expenses, but you should also be aware of zero-based budgeting pros and cons.

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Do it Yourself
Aimee Bennett

June 14, 2024

This could be the right solution for you if you are able to consistently pay more than the minimum balance due each month.

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Debt Snowball or Debt Avalanche: Which is Better?
Tammi Huang

June 14, 2024

If you have debt, explore the debt snowball or debt avalanche method. Both methods involve…

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Should You Consider Filing for Credit Card Debt Bankruptcy?

If you’re overwhelmed by creditor phone calls, collection letters, or lawsuits, filing for bankruptcy forces your creditors to suspend collection activity. You cannot legally...

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How to Negotiate Your Credit Card Debt

Our expert shares effective techniques for negotiating credit card debt and putting it behind you.

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How To Get Out of Credit Card Debt Without Ruining Your Credit
Thilini Wijesinhe

June 14, 2024

Find out the best ways to pay off your credit cards while improving your credit score.

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10 Holiday Shopping Debt Traps You Need to Avoid
Charla Myers

June 14, 2024

Shop early, get free shipping, look for treasures: Here are 10 helpful tips on celebrating…

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