
Gina Freeman (Pogol)

Contributing Author, Editor

Gina Freeman (Gina Pogol) enjoys breaking down complicated subjects and helping consumers feel comfortable making financial decisions. An acknowledged expert in mortgage and personal finance since 2008, Gina's experience include mortgage lending and underwriting, tax accounting, and credit bureau systems consulting. You can find her articles on MSN Money, Fox Business, Forbes.com, The Motley Fool and other respected sites.

Budget family vacation
5 Ways to Take an Affordable Family Vacation This Summer

May 26, 2022

How to take a family vacation without going into debt. Budget vacation options.

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mom and daughter (adult)
Words From the Wise: Financial Tips From Our Moms

May 4, 2022

Blog post tips from FDR team moms

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How to Get Student Loan Debt Relief
3 Common Financial Mistakes New Grads Make

May 30, 2022

Top money mistakes that new grads make. Mistakes include failing to budget, not establishing a savings habit and blowing windfalls instead of saving them.

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Commercial Loan
What Is a Commercial Loan?

August 1, 2022

Learn about commercial loans for business and real estate, how to get approved for a commercial loan and how commercial loans work.

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How to save on a vehicle purchase
Spring Survey: Consumers Plan to Buy Cars Despite Costs

July 21, 2022

Spring survey results from Freedom Debt Relief shows consumers plan big ticket purchases in the next 12 months.

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How to save when you buy furniture.
How to Save on Furniture in 2022

August 5, 2022

Furniture prices and interest rates are up in 2022. learn how to save when you buy and finance furniture.

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How to protect yourself in a recession
Recession Preparation: How Can You Protect Yourself?

August 16, 2022

Yes; the US entered a recession in 2022. Learn how to protect your finances, what to do and not do in a recession.

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Credit Card Debt Lawyer
Credit Card Debt Lawyer: Should You Use One?

January 8, 2023

Debt lawyers specialize in law concerning the collection of debt. If you loan money to someone, you may use a debt lawyer to file a lawsuit to collect it.

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How to Settle Credit Card Debt When Lawsuit Has Been Filed
How to Settle Credit Card Debt When Lawsuit Has Been Filed

January 15, 2023

It's possible to settle debt even after a lawsuit has been filed. Answer the summons. Then negotiate. And never skip your court date.

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