Freedom Debt Relief Provides Online Resource for Lender Assistance Programs
March 24, 2020
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SAN MATEO, Calif., March 24, 2020 – As COVID-19 begins to seriously impact the health and livelihood of consumers throughout the country, FreedomDebt Relief (FDR) has published a comprehensive online resource of contact information for lender hardship assistance.
“As a service to all Americans, we have compiled this resource to help those who are financially impacted reach their creditors more rapidly and efficiently,” says Sean Fox, president of FDR. “As the virus spreads and affects workers in every economic sector, we anticipate a massive need for creditor assistance.”
Fox recalls early 2019, when800,000 federal employees missed paychecks during the U.S. government shutdown. Banks, utility companies, telecom providers, credit card companies, and others waived late fees, offered deferred-payment plans, provided no-interest loans and other plans for affected workers. “The assistance programs offered were on a scale we had not seen before, and the results made a real difference to many workers and their families,” he explains. “The assistance needs from the COVID-19 crisis will be even greater.”
Freedom Debt Relief’s online resource includes website URLs and phone numbers for assistance programs and information from the largest U.S. consumer lenders in the following areas.
Credit card issuers
Student loan lenders (private and government)
Auto loan lenders
Mortgage lenders
The resource currently contains information for more than 80 lenders, and will be updated as additional hardship programs and government assistance become available. Fox encourages anyone facing payment difficulties to contact their lender promptly.“Consumers should not feel hesitant to call and ask about hardship programs or options for individual assistance,” he says, “Reach out before you get behind and into trouble. Your lender may be able to offer substantial help.”