
Gina Freeman (Pogol)

Contributing Author, Editor

Gina Freeman (Gina Pogol) enjoys breaking down complicated subjects and helping consumers feel comfortable making financial decisions. An acknowledged expert in mortgage and personal finance since 2008, Gina's experience include mortgage lending and underwriting, tax accounting, and credit bureau systems consulting. You can find her articles on MSN Money, Fox Business, Forbes.com, The Motley Fool and other respected sites.

How to respond to a court summons for credit card debt
How To Respond To A Court Summons For Credit Card Debt

February 12, 2023

If you receive a summons for credit card debt, it’s in your best interest to respond and not ignore it. Learn more about what to do when you get a court summons.

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Should you open a new credit card?
When Is It a Good Idea To Open a New Credit Card?

April 10, 2023

Follow these tips when opening a new credit card to save money, raise your credit score, and maximize your rewards.

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How to Negotiate a Debt Settlement
How to Negotiate Your Credit Card Debt

February 16, 2023

Our expert shares effective techniques for negotiating credit card debt and putting it behind you.

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Credit Card Debt Bankruptcy
Should You Consider Filing for Credit Card Debt Bankruptcy?

January 8, 2023

If you’re overwhelmed by creditor phone calls, collection letters, or lawsuits, filing for bankruptcy forces your creditors to suspend collection activity. You cannot legally...

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Emergency loans for bad credit
Can You Get An Emergency Loan With Bad Credit?

February 7, 2023

If you need cash fast, an emergency loan is one solution and you can qualify even with bad credit. Learn about your options.

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Debt Relief Options
Credit Counseling vs. Debt Settlement vs. Bankruptcy

May 13, 2022

Compare credit counseling and debt management plan (DMP) to debt settlement (debt relief) and bankruptcy.

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