
Justine Nelson

Justine Nelson is the founder of Debt Free Millennials, an online community to help millennials eliminate debt and live a debt free lifestyle. As a freelance writer and YouTuber, Justine enjoys creating upbeat and educational personal finance content. This Midwest millennial paid off $35k in student loan debt and now resides in San Diego with her husband.

If You Have Lost Medical Insurance, You’re Not Alone
If You Have Lost Medical Insurance, You’re Not Alone

June 10, 2022

During the coronavirus pandemic, more than one in seven adults have become uninsured. So if…

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7 Smart Ways to Pay off Student Loans
7 Smart Ways to Pay off Student Loans

October 14, 2020

Learn how to pay off student loans in seven smart and effective ways that maximize…

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Would a Payroll Tax Cut Help You?
Would a Payroll Tax Cut Help You?

August 20, 2020

President Trump issued an executive order to cut payroll taxes for working Americans making less…

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Teach Your Kids How to Use a Credit Card Before College
Teach Your Kids How to Use a Credit Card Before College

September 16, 2020

Before they go to college, or maybe even before, you'll want to teach your kids…

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Should You Start a 529 Plan?
Should You Start a 529 Plan?

September 1, 2020

Should you start a 529 plan? A 529 plan can help you save for college…

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Moving Back in With Mom and Dad — How to Make the Money Work
Moving Back in With Mom and Dad — How to Make the Money Work

September 21, 2020

Need to move back home with mom and dad? Here are tips for both parents…

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5 Ways to Improve Your Financial Literacy
5 Ways to Improve Your Financial Literacy

November 10, 2020

If you have made it a goal to learn more about personal finance, then you…

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How Voting Can Affect Your Personal Finances
How Voting Can Affect Your Personal Finances

October 20, 2020

Your vote bridges democracy and your personal finances. From taxes, to healthcare, to unemployment, here’s…

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7 Ways to Save More for Retirement, Starting Now
7 Ways to Save More for Retirement, Starting Now

November 16, 2020

Building a retirement nest egg starts with an effective retirement savings plan. Here are seven…

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